How to Integrate Stripe Payment Gateway in Laravel 10 - Part 1

Category: Laravel
Updated on: 20 Oct, 2024
In this tutorial, I will show how to integrate stripe payment method with Laravel. You will have to create a test account for this. Remember that, when you will create an account it will be by default test account until you make it live. If everything works well in test account using the developer app credential, then it will work perfectly in the live account.

First, go to the stripe website:
Then go to register in this website:
For my testing purpose, I am going to use a fake or temporary email address from this website:
Now give email address, full name, country name and password to create your stripe account. You will get an account verification link in your email. Check that and verify the email.

You will be taken to a welcome page like this:
Click on "Explore more features" link. It will take you to the explore page. But do not need to fill up anything here. Just in the top-left corner click on the cross (x) icon.

Now the stripe dashboard will come in front of you.

Click on "Developers" and then "API keys". See:
You will get a Publishable key and a Secret key that you will need to integrate the api in your application.

To view the Secret key, you will have to click on the "Reveal test key" button.
Email Address:
Publishable key: pk_test_51OFZ3zI3hY1Jc4DzUtimeKqiANmmSvju1Rtkz2HxqY0pySZx3fVkpGUyB0r8w0OBI5jejmJPjoVGgrLhrO3tItnG00OhIjk4Dw
Secret key: sk_test_51OFZ3zI3hY1Jc4Dzx4VMcmJkeEVqrXuL1ShIv5RgH7FD7JCeHiO8wUuKbwDfV2h2nZ36NcRT3oSHxvrKCZbs1Qzu00clvUfgOY
When you will test for payment and check if the money comes or not, you have to go to the "Payments" option from the left side and then "All transactions" tab.

See Full Tutorial on YouTube

If you want to see the full functionality in live, you can see my video in youtube.

Download Source Code

Please give your email address. We will send you the source code on your email.